About SolDev
Dakin Spain, President
SolDev has successfully developed 50+ MW of commercial and small utility scale projects and assisted, as a consultant, in the development of another 100+ MW of interconnected DG. We love the natural world and can generally be found outside somewhere in the mountains, when not working on solar projects. We want to do our part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through education and project integration.
Dakin Spain started his career in the solar industry in 2010, working for Sun Valley, ID. solar company, Site Based Energy. Prior to launching SolDev in 2014, Dakin worked with Radiance Solar, an Atlanta, Ga. based EPC, where he led their commercial and small utility scale development efforts. With a rich business development history and vast understanding of each part of the solar business, Dakin is an experienced developer who knows what it takes to get challenging deals across the finish line. He is a graduate of the University of Colorado at Boulder, 2007.